Canadian Consulting Engineer

New Area of Focus for ACEC

July 1, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

At its recent annual strategic planning session, the ACEC Board adopted "human resources sustainability" as a new area of focus for the association. "Given that there is a chronic shortage of consulti...

At its recent annual strategic planning session, the ACEC Board adopted “human resources sustainability” as a new area of focus for the association. “Given that there is a chronic shortage of consulting engineers available to work in member firms, the Board decided that the time had come to dedicate special efforts and resources to address this challenge,” explained ACEC Chairman, Leon Botham, P. Eng. The association’s three areas of focus are:

1. The InfraGuide “Best Practice” (Qualifications-Based Selection)

2. The strategic role of consulting engineers

3. Human resources sustainability (replacing “outsourcing”).


Video to attract engineering students into consulting

In order to implement this new ACEC focus, the Board approved the establishment of a campaign, to be coordinated with Member Organizations, specifically targeting engineering students to attract them into private sector consulting engineering. The Board approved the production of a video to support such a campaign. The purpose of the ACEC video will be to excite university students and stimulate their curiosity about our industry.

Looking for star projects to feature in video

ACEC is looking for visually appealing, world-class Canadian projects to feature in the video, presented by engineers involved in their delivery. Most of the projects that will be shortlisted will be located across Canada, but one or two may be overseas. This is a unique opportunity for one or more of ACEC’s firm’s projects to be presented, by one of their engineers, to the next generation of engineering graduates.


Firms interested in having projects featured in the video should contact Susie Grynol, ACEC’s Man- of Public Affairs and Business Practices at sgrynol@acec.caor call 613-236-0569.


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