Canadian Consulting Engineer


August 1, 2001
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Mark W. Emanuel, P.Eng. is now vice-president and chief engineer of Gordon Spratt & Associates of Vancouver. Emanuel graduated from Queen's University in civil engineering and has two decades of exper...

Mark W. Emanuel, P.Eng. is now vice-president and chief engineer of Gordon Spratt & Associates of Vancouver. Emanuel graduated from Queen’s University in civil engineering and has two decades of experience in construction, project management and building science.

Gary J. Tencha, P.Eng. has been appointed vice president of engineering at McElhanney Consulting of Vancouver. Tencha is responsible for projects in the Lower Mainland and Alberta.

Rino Zan, P.Eng. is now head of the IT and communications group in electrical engineering at Marshall Macklin Monaghan in Toronto. Zan has degrees in electrical and mechanical engineering from the University of Rome and the University of Toronto respectively. He came to MMM from positions at the Bank of Nova Scotia and Bell Canada.

Michel Dubeau, ing., vice-president of energy and telecommunications at Dessau-Soprin of Montreal, has been appointed president of the Association de l’industrie lectrique du Qubec.


Dr. Said Easa, P.Eng. professor and chair of civil engineering at Ryerson University in Toronto and a frequent contributor to Canadian Consulting Engineer magazine, has received the 2001 Frank M. Masters Transportation Engineering Award from the American Society of Civil Engineers. The award will be presented in Houston, Texas in October. A review of the book he edited, Urban Planning and Development Applications of GIS, is on page 12.

Michael Richardson, P.Eng. is now vice-president of R.F. Binnie & Associates of Surrey, B.C. Richardson joined the firm in 1993 and was previously manager of the company’s Lower Mainland division.

Dale Miller, P.Eng. was sworn in as the new president of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) in April. Miller is director of water management for UMA Engineering in Lethbridge, Alberta. Previously he was co-founder and principal of MPE Engineering, district engineer for the Bow River Irrigation District, and a design engineer with Saskatchewan Agriculture. He graduated in civil engineering from the University of Saskatchewan in 1974.


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