Canadian Consulting Engineer

Premier Eves meets with CEO

July 1, 2003
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting Engineers of Ontario's 5th Annual Premier's Reception proved again this year to be an excellent opportunity for the consulting engineering profession to talk directly to the new Premier and...

Consulting Engineers of Ontario’s 5th Annual Premier’s Reception proved again this year to be an excellent opportunity for the consulting engineering profession to talk directly to the new Premier and his government’s most senior policy makers. Premier Ernie Eves and caucus colleagues as well as a number of key cabinet Ministers were on hand to meet CEO members.

In their formal remarks, CEO Chairman John Sutherns, P.Eng. and CEO President John Gamble, P.Eng. addressed the key issues and challenges facing the consulting engineering industry in the province. “Your government has consistently committed funds to infrastructure,” said John Sutherns. “We are fully supportive of your efforts in this regard because we understand the hidden or deferred costs to society if routine maintenance and upgrading of facilities and plants is not provided.” The Premier was very receptive to the messages conveyed by the CEO and spoke highly of the contribution of consulting engineers to the prosperity of Ontario.

ACEC Chairman Pierre Shoiry, ing. and ACEC President Claude Paul Boivin attended the reception and, earlier that day, participated in the CEO Executive and Board meetings. This was a good forum to engage a dialogue on the ACEC priorities and programs and the work of CEO.


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