Canadian Consulting Engineer

CityAge: Toronto

September 24, 2018

CityAge: Toronto will look at themes such as:

  • Smart city data, AI and our urban operating systems, to make our cities work better
  • Health data: How data sharing and analysis is essential to the future of health
  • Data design: Software’s impact on architecture and city-building
  • IOT and the future of infrastructure: how software is changing infrastructure design, construction and maintenance
  • Utility data: new tools to transform energy, water and transit systems
  • The public’s data: How should it be managed, shared, and analysed. How to best draw insight from data, and what are its privacy implications.
  • Collecting data is not enough. How do we connect across business, agencies and organizations to better understand it?
  • Industrial data: Why data is a vital tool in the renewal of Canada’s manufacturing industries
  • Innovation in the built environment – how data and software are transforming urban development and construction
  • Intelligent buildings
  • The future’s transportation: Data and AI as a tool to improve transportation systems
  • Cyber security strategies in the data age
  • 5G’s near term-impact on urban life
  • Connecting the citizen and government to improve life in the city

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