Canadian Consulting Engineer

AECOM completes purchase of Earth Tech

July 29, 2008
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

The long negotiations by AECOM of Los Angeles to buy Earth Tech have finally ended, with AECOM announcing that it h...

The long negotiations by AECOM of Los Angeles to buy Earth Tech have finally ended, with AECOM announcing that it had completed the acquisition on July 28. AECOM bought Earth Tech from Tyco International. <br>
Earth Tech’s history in Canada was begun by its acquisition of Proctor and Redfern of Toronto in the late 1990s. Proctor and Redfern had existed since 1912. <br>
Globally, Earth Tech provides consulting, engineering, and design-build-operate services, especially in the water, wastewater, environmental, transportation sectors.<br>
AECOM now has 40,000 professionals around the world. In the past year it has bought several Canadian consulting firms: KMK of Brampton, Ontario, Gartner Lee of Markham, Ontario, Totten Sims Hubicki of Whitby, Ontario, and Tecsult — a company of 1,100 people in Montreal. UMA Engineering of Vancouver, another large Canadian consulting firm, with 1,000 people and 18 offices, is also now a part of AECOM.<br>


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