Canadian Consulting Engineer

Memorandum of Collaboration between The Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (CPCI) and the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA)

July 26, 2016

July 28, 2016 – For Immediate Release
Industry Collaboration Brings Marketing and Sustainability Goals Together
OTTAWA, July 25, 2016 – A recent collaborative agreement between The Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute (CPCI) and the National Precast Concrete Association (NPCA) aims to combine resources in a core belief for building excellence using sustainable methods.
“CPCI and our members have enjoyed and appreciated the various marketing and sustainability partnerships with NPCA over the last few years and with this MOC we are excited about formalizing this relationship and the possibilities to expand our collaborative efforts in the coming years ahead,” says Robert Burak, President of CPCI.
The Precast Show and CPCI Annual Conference and Trade Show
Under this new agreement, CPCI will be a recognized ongoing Endorsing Partner of The Precast Show, with the next one in March 2017 in Cleveland, OH, and NPCA will be recognized as an affiliate member and sponsor of the CPCI AGM, with the next one in Banff, Alberta this October.
“We are delighted to have the Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute joining us as part of The Precast Show,” said Ty Gable, President of the National Precast Concrete Association. “The networking opportunities this creates for U.S. and Canadian precasters are invaluable. The North American precast industry as a whole will be better off thanks to the collaboration of all the organizations involved in the show in 2017 and beyond.”
Affiliate Membership
Each organization will list the other as an affiliate member. Members of each will benefit from the combined efforts of CPCI and NPCA, and have access to courses and events at member pricing. Marketing support, technical data, surveys and studies will be available to all members. Information will also be easier to access with a hyperlink to the affiliate on each web site.
“Our publications offer key technical and design data and specifications that will be of interest to architects, engineers and construction professionals. We are very pleased to make these publications available to attendees at The Precast Show,” says Brian Hall, Managing Director of CPCI.
Courses and Seminars
CPCI and NPCA offer invaluable technical seminars and courses. These resources and others will now be fully accessible to members of both organizations at member cost. In addition, CPCI intends to launch the NPCA Master Precaster Program in Canada.
“This is an exceptional benefit to our members in Canada, and we hope to launch this initiative in early 2017 using NPCA modules, and add Canadian-specific content,” says Robert Burak.
Offering a CPCI Master Precaster program is a unique opportunity for Canadian precasters to get additional value from this intensive course, and to complete the program with certification relevant to their own market. The collaboration of NPCA course content and CPCI input make this unique opportunity possible.
Each organization will also strive to create additional seminars, courses, and professional development programs in collaboration, increasing value and access for members and using as wide a knowledge base as possible, while offering attendees cost-effective pricing.
Marketing and Sustainability
CPCI and NPCA plan to build on the successes of the industry’s collaborative efforts, such as the development of product category rules (PCRs) and environmental product declarations (EPDs). The ultimate goals are to achieve the next evolution of sustainability through collaborations on the development of new programs for the North American precast industry and to promote concrete’s adaptability and resiliency when dealing with our rapidly changing climate.
“Climate change is a fact, and our infrastructure has to support and weather that change to create sustainable communities where we can live and grow. Collaboration among industry professionals is key to ensuring a future of safe and comfortable living for all in harmony with our planet,” says Brian Hall.
The CPCI/NPCA collaboration will ensure the sharing of knowledge and resources conducive to these goals. Resources such as a “micro site” will facilitate the sharing of information on precast and its sustainable qualities. Relevant publications will be posted to the site and social media feeds featured to widen the sharing of information.
Other initiatives of the collaboration will be annual meetings to facilitate communication; quarterly marketing staff teleconferences to provide updates and share ideas; joint planning of a North American Precast Day (open house education plant tours); joint webinars on EPDs for external partners such as architects, engineers and construction professionals; and joint seminars, courses, booths, online presence, etc. with environmental organizations such as the GreenBuild conference.
About the Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
The Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute is the body of knowledge and prime source of technical information about precast prestressed concrete in Canada. The Institute’s interest is to stimulate and advance the common interests and general welfare of the structural, architectural and specialty precast concrete industry, including the safety and welfare of the Canadian public.
For more information on CPCI’s initiatives, visit and follow us on social media:
Facebook – CPCI – Canadian Precast/ Prestressed Concrete Institute
Twitter – @CPCI_Canada
For further information:
Sally Moore, Marketing Manager, CPCI
T: 613-232-2619 ext: 104 | TF: 877-937-2724 or
About the National Precast Concrete Association
National Precast Concrete Association has represented manufacturers of plant-produced precast concrete products and the suppliers of products and services for the industry since 1965. We are dedicated to expanding the use of quality precast concrete and providing members with the programs and information required to operate a successful precast plant.
For more information on NPCA’s initiatives, visit and follow us on social media :
Facebook and Twitter – @NationalPrecast


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