Canadian Consulting Engineer

Armstrong enhances Pump Manager’s energy tracking

October 4, 2021

"Subscribers can use this information to compare the performance of similar assets across a portfolio." - Tunji Asiwaju

Armstrong Pump Manager

Photo courtesy Armstrong Pump Technology.

Toronto-based Armstrong Fluid Technology has added new features to its Pump Manager asset management platform for calculating and tracking energy savings.

A new ‘Base Case KW’ feature, for example, allows users to determine the cumulative energy savings of a design envelope pump since it was commissioned. Another feature lets them energy local utility rates for accurate calculations of financial savings, while yet another supports the presentation of operating savings in the user’s preferred local currency of choice. And finally, carbon dioxide (CO2) index values support the calculation of carbon emission reductions based on localized figures.

“Pump Manager subscribers can use this information to compare the performance of similar assets across a portfolio of connected equipment, setting benchmarks for ongoing performance tracking”, says Tunji Asiwaju, Armstrong’s global performance management services manager.


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