Canadian Consulting Engineer

Practise in Alberta – automatically

November 30, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

While engineers have enjoyed professional mobility between provinces since 1999, when 11 provincial licensing ...

While engineers have enjoyed professional mobility between provinces since 1999, when 11 provincial licensing associations signed an Inter-Association Mobility Agreement, engineers in Alberta have taken things one step further.

The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA) held its first ever Special General Meeting in its 90 year history to vote on an amendment to the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act.

Of about 100 professional members, which was held jointly in Calgary and Edmonton on November 26, only eight voted against the motion to approve the amendment.

The new changes are to comply with Canada’s Agreement of Internal Trade (AIT) and the TILMA Agreement (Trade and, Investment and Labour Mobility Agreement) between Alberta and B.C.


APEGGA reports that the changes do not affect the review process for new applicants, but they do mean that, “a professional engineer or geoscientist of good character and reputation, licensed and in good standing in another Canadian jurisdiction, will automatically be licensed when applying in Alberta.”


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