Canadian Consulting Engineer

Panel discussion on Thursday promises innovative ideas for wastewater treatment, transit security systems, highway crossings

November 27, 2006
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

A first-time event is being held at the Infrastructure 2006 section of Construct Canada in Toronto this week, givin...

A first-time event is being held at the Infrastructure 2006 section of Construct Canada in Toronto this week, giving engineers and building professionals a chance to hear innovative ideas from engineering companies that are helping to solve some of Canada’s worst infrastructure problems.

In the “Extreme Engineering” panel discussion at 10.30 a.m. on Thursday, November 29, three engineers from companies that won 2006 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards will be presenting their projects The session will be in the North Building of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, off Front Street in downtown Toronto.

Rick Corbett, P.Eng., vice-president with Associated Engineering in Vancouver will explain how they found a way to treat municipal wastewater at the Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment plant in Edmonton so that it can be reused in a petroleum refinery five kilometres away. This groundbreaking example of collaboration between a municipality and industry won the Schreyer Award, the top award in the Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards.

Brian Derrick, an associate with Marshall Macklin Monaghan of Toronto, will be describing a Canada-wide program for implementing high security equipment at airports to prevent terrorism. This presentation is highly topical, given the federal government’s recent announcement that it will spend $37 million? to boost security systems and equipment on public transit systems in Canada’s biggest cities.


Improving roads, organizing traffic and retrofitting a historic bridge border crossing that carries thousands of vehicles is the subject of the third presenter, Roy Skelton, chief engineer of McCormick Rankin Corporation of Mississauga. This project, which was carried out with consulting engineers Buckland and Taylor of Vancouver, was to transform the Queenston-Lewiston Border Crossing that had become a bottleneck impeding the vital flow of traffic flowing between Canada and the U.S.

A complimentary pass to the panel discussion is available to subscribers of Canadian Consulting Engineer magazine and E-Bulletin. E-mail just-in-time to by 1 p.m. EST, Wednesday, November 29. For all others, the cost is $25 (not $45 as previously notified). Entry to the Construct Canada/Infrastructure 2006 trade show is free.

The panel session is sponsored by Canadian Consulting Engineer magazine and the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada (ACEC).

A display of all the 2006 Canadian Consulting Engineering Award winners will be in the North Building, Metro Toronto Convention Centre.



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