Canadian Consulting Engineer

Ontario seeks consultants to do water and wastewater financing studies

February 11, 2002
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

In the post-Walkerton aftermath, the Ontario provincial government is asking for proposals from consulting firms wo...

In the post-Walkerton aftermath, the Ontario provincial government is asking for proposals from consulting firms working in the water and sewer sectors to carry out eight studies.
The OntarioSuperBuild Corporation — the province’s infrastructure investment arm — posed the terms of reference on the MERX electronic tendering service late in January. The work being offered includes doing an inventory of water and waste water assets in Ontario, studying financing, pricing and asset management practices, and best practices in other jurisdictions.
The information from the studies will be used to develop long-term investment and financing strategies for water and sewer infrastructure in Ontario. As part of its Operation Clean Water strategy, the govermnent charged the SuperBuild Corporation to investigate full cost recovery on water and wastewater infrastructure.
To download the requests for proposal, visit Visit


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