New technical resources for water resources engineers
March 25, 2008
Canadian Consulting Engineer
In celebration of the United Nations World Water Day on Saturday March 22, a new dataset on Canada's drainage areas...
In celebration of the United Nations World Water Day on Saturday March 22, a new dataset on Canada’s drainage areas was released by GeoBase. Available without cost or restriction, and under common licensing terms, the National Hydro Network’s data is for 839 drainage areas across the country.
The dataset describes and models features of the inland surface-water system of Canada. Its geospatial data describe hydro features such as lakes, reservoirs, rivers, streams, canals and islands. The data also describes the directional flow of surface water by a linear network, and the toponymy (geographical names) of hydro features. There is also a new data web viewer service, and a new national index.
GeoBase is a federal, provincial and territorial government initiative that is overseen by the Canadian Council on Geomatics. See
The American Water Works Association has published “The Business of Water: a Concise Overview of Challenges and Opportunities in the Water Market.” The book has 35 full-length articles by leading water industry experts. They address topics such as conservation practices, regulatory trends, the impacts of climate change and financing topics. The author is Steve Maxwell, managing director of TechKNOWLEDGEy Strategic Group of Boulder, Colorado.