Infrastructure Ontario president/CEO steps down
January 24, 2020
Ehren Cory, president and CEO of Infrastructure Ontario (IO), announced this week he will be stepping down from the government position, with plans to return to the private sector.
Cory’s appointment began three years ago and was set to expire in February 2020. However, the provincial government agreed to a short extension, which will run to the end of April, allowing time to put steps in place for a transition.
“My last day at IO will be April 30,” says Cory. “I am proud of the work we have done on many fronts, from our expansion into transit to the launch of enterprise real estate to our role in a new model for affordable housing and long-term care to the growth of our loans program.”
“Ehren has led IO through significant changes in the market, a new government and within our agency and I am grateful for his vision,” says Christopher Voutsina, chair of IO’s board. “The organization released its largest ever public-private partnership (P3) pipeline and administered an ambitious new program of surplus land disposition. Our team will continue to build on this momentum.”