What’s New… (January 01, 2004)
January 1, 2004
Canadian Consulting Engineer
WATERUSFilter's new PowerMax Series equipment converts incoming surface, well or grey water into high-quality water suitable for boiler feedwater, NOx control, turbine fogging and cooling tower make-u...
USFilter’s new PowerMax Series equipment converts incoming surface, well or grey water into high-quality water suitable for boiler feedwater, NOx control, turbine fogging and cooling tower make-up. www.usfilter.com
Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council of Canada has developed Leakfinder, a patented technology to locate leaks in pressurized water pipes. It works by correlating acoustic leak noise. http://irc.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/leak/leakfinder
Severn Trent Services’ Eclox Rapid Response Water Test System can quickly detect chemical and organic contaminants in community drinking water systems. www.severntrentservices.com
Triodetic Building Products of Ottawa won the Toronto Construction Association’s 2003 TIPTA Innovative Technology Award for its Multi-Point Foundation system. The steel and aluminum frame arrives as a kit and virtually eliminates the need for excavation or leveling, concrete or masonry, piles or timber. www.triodetic.com
Coade has a new brochure on CADWorx, the AutoCAD-based software suite for plant design. It also has Caesar II Version 4:50, an updated pipe stress analysis software. CodeCAD is the Canadian technical centre for Coade. www.coade.com; www.codecad.com
Autodesk’s new Revit 6 software allows project teams to develop design proposals more quickly. The design options feature allows alternate schemes to be created inside a single project file. www.autodesk.com
Lennox Industries has upgraded its L Series packaged rooftop units. Improvements include efficiencies in the 13,15, 17.5 and 20 ton high efficiency models, factory installed MERV 11 air filters and available R-410A refrigerant. www.lennnox.com
DuctSox’s fabric duct and air dispersion systems have been listed as a “GreenSpec” product by BuildingGreen.com. The company has also introduced the Adjustable Flow Device. www.ductsox.com