Canadian Consulting Engineer

Notes (October 01, 2009)

October 1, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Water Footprints

Water Footprints

Household use of potable water accounts for a fraction of the amount that is used in producing food and products. Examples: 1 almond = 1 gallon. 1 1b. beef = 1,900 gallons. 1 ream white paper = 1,300 gallons. 1 pair jeans = 2,900 gallons. 1 car = 39,000 gallons.

The United Nations has begun an initiative to calculate the “water footprint” as the total direct and indirect use of water by individuals, products and organizations. — CWQA

Canada Line takes off


Commuters on Metro Vancouver’s Canada Line had standing room only when it began operating in early September. Morning trains arriving from Richmond and Vancouver International Airport to downtown were full and there were long line-ups at some stations. The $1.9-billion line was designed, built and is being operated by InTransit B.C./SNC-Lavalin.

IT vulnerability

According to a study by Telus and the Rotman School of Management, IT security breaches, including viruses and intellectual property theft, have doubled in 2009 since the study for the previous year. About one third of the security breaches came from within companies.


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