Canadian Consulting Engineer

Looking ahead and managing change

June 1, 1999
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

While browsing through the 1999 ACEC Directory of Member Firms, I was impressed by the great variety of professional services offered by our members, services that extend well beyond those of traditio...

While browsing through the 1999 ACEC Directory of Member Firms, I was impressed by the great variety of professional services offered by our members, services that extend well beyond those of traditional engineering. For me it was a confirmation of the extent to which ACEC members are adapting to the business opportunities of today’s marketplace.

At the same time, it is also apparent to me that the marketplace has yet to fully recognize our businesses as legitimate providers of professional services currently offered by management consultants, planners and environmental practitioners among many others.

Part of the reason for this, I believe, is of our own doing. To a large extent, we have not yet recognized within our own industry that these other professional services are as relevant to our core business activities as are our traditional pure engineering skills. Consequently, the marketplace has tended to approach other professionals for work that our members can and will do.

It has been my privilege and pleasure to serve as the Chair of ACEC this past year.


During my time on the Board, we have been moving steadily to reflect, in our structure and in our business activities, the expanded operating environment referred to above. I believe that as ACEC strives to represent the evolving, non-traditional business interests of its members, the organization is likely to look much different in the coming years.

In this edition of CCE Magazine, ACEC introduces its list of members for 1999. Learn more about the range of professional services they offer by contacting our National Office, by referring to the Directory, or by directly contacting firms in your province or territory.



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