Canadian Consulting Engineer

ACEC Working With Policymakers

December 1, 2003
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Twice a year, ACEC representatives meet with the federal government's procurement policymakers as part of the Federal/Industry Real Property Advisory Council. The other industry representatives on the...

Twice a year, ACEC representatives meet with the federal government’s procurement policymakers as part of the Federal/Industry Real Property Advisory Council. The other industry representatives on the council are the Canadian Construction Association, the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, the Interior Designers of Canada and the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. As a member of the council, ACEC was at a recent meeting to make representation about problems our members face.

New Deputy Minister at PWGSC

PWGSC (Public Works and Government Services Canada) reported that David Marshall joined them as Deputy Minister in June 2003 and is reorganizing the department. Budgets and staffing are currently frozen as the department conducts vertical reviews. Mr. Marshall intends to begin bundling services for improved efficiency and is concentrating on making the department more businesslike. ACEC has already had its first meeting with Mr. Marshall.

Pricing on consultant SOAs


ACEC Board member Dale Craig, P.Eng., who co-chairs the Real Property Advisory Council, raised the issue of pricing on Standing Offer Agreements (SOAs). Some firms are submitting proposals with rates much lower than the industry standard and qualified firms are being disqualified from the bidding process due to the price differential. A subgroup of the council, which includes ACEC representation, has since met to continue discussions and is working on solutions.

National Building Policy

PWGSC will begin consultations next year prior to writing a National Building Policy to provide a road map for decision-makers, department executives and project staff. The first round of consultations will be within PWGSC, and will expand to include industry representatives in 2004/05.



ACEC President Claude Paul Boivin raised the issue of insurance and the difficulty that some member firms and their insurers have had in accepting the contract language on insurance. The committee will be examining this question.


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