Canadian Consulting Engineer

A Strong Industry, Serving Society

March 1, 2008
By Leon Botham, P. Eng. Chair, Association Of Canadian Engineering Companies (Acec)

Canadian engineering companies are active globally, working with our clients to develop projects in all sectors. Canadian firms continue to export a significant proportion of our services to the world...

Canadian engineering companies are active globally, working with our clients to develop projects in all sectors. Canadian firms continue to export a significant proportion of our services to the world, and Canada is consistently in the top four exporting countries for engineering services, globally.

Whether we are facing issues of infrastructure renewal at home or working abroad to help improve the lives of those in third world countries, we need a strong and sustainable industry. As engineers, we have a tremendous influence on society through our work every day, be it providing clean water or sustainable infrastructure, or supporting major industrial projects.

Our clients, and society in general, expect that we will provide high quality designs. Our recent client survey indirpondons cates that we are meeting those expectations, but we need to do more. By continuing to encourage our clients to adopt the “Best Practice” we can ensure that we receive adequate compensation for our work. In turn, our members will make reasonable profits, which can in turn be invested in our people, especially our young professionals, with the ultimate goal of developing strong engineering organizations

In September 2008, the Canadian Consulting Engineering industry will host the world at FIDIC 2008 in Quebec City. The theme of the conference, “A Strong Industry, Serving Society,” will focus on addressing these issues on a global basis. And, it provides an opportunity for all Canadian firms to build connections with our counterparts around the world. On behalf of ACEC, I invite you to FIDIC 2008 in Quebec City, as we put the best of Canadian engineering on display.



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