Canadian Consulting Engineer


4th Canadian Conference on Nuclear Waste Management

September 08 - September 11, 2019
Ottawa Marriott Hotel, 100 Kent St, Ottawa, ON K1P 5R7 Show map

Once again Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS) is organizing the Nuclear Waste Management, Decommissioning, and Environmental Restoration (NWMDER) conference to provide a forum for discussion of the status and proposed future directions of technical, regulatory, environmental, social, and economic aspects of nuclear waste management, decommissioning, and environmental restoration for nuclear facilities.

The Nuclear Waste Management, Decommissioning and Environmental Restoration Conferences held in 2005, 2011and 2016 attracted over 300 Canadian and international participants from many nuclear related organizations and universities at each conference.

These conferences provided opportunities for sharing and exchanging ideas, views, information and experience among specialists, managers and a broad range of subject experts in the industry, government, community, and other key stakeholders.


The past NWMDER conferences fostered collaborative dialogue to the overall benefit of the Canadian and International nuclear industries.

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