Enter the 2009 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards!
February 2, 2009
Canadian Consulting Engineer
The time has arrived! Entry forms for the 2009 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards are now posted at www.canadia...
The time has arrived! Entry forms for the 2009 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards are now posted at www.canadianconsultingengineer.com/awards
Now in their 41st Year, the awards are the most important recognition given to Canadian engineering firms. They are co-sponsored by the Association of Canadian Engineering Companies (ACEC) and Canadian Consulting Engineer magainze.
Projects of every type are eligible. They must have been completed between January 1, 2006 and December 31, 2008.
Stage 1 deadline is Tuesday, March 31 (Notice of Intention to Enter form and $225 fee is due).
Stage 2 deadline is Tuesday, May 5 (Official Entry Form signed by client/owner, and Project Entry due.
NEW! NEW! NEW! Tree of Life Award – Prix Un Arbre à Aimer
Given for the first time last year, the Tree of Life Award/Prix Un Arbre à Aimer is for a project that demonstrates outstanding environmental stewardship. The award will be chosen by the jury from projects entered in all categories.
Continuing the tradition, the Schreyer Award is the top technical award, given to the project that scores highest in the technical categories.
For more details (in English and French) and to obtain a Notice of Intention to Enter form, visit www.canadianconsultingengineer.com. Click on “Awards.”
Or contact Bronwen Parsons, Editor, Canadian Consulting Engineer, tel. 416-510-5119, e-mail bparsons@ccemag.com
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