Canadian Consulting Engineer

Vancouver passes $2.8B infrastructure-heavy capital plan

July 31, 2018

Infrastructure renewal projects will inlcude upgrades of water, sewer, and drainage systems throughout the city, and repairs and seismic upgrades to Granville Bridge.

Vancouver City Council has approved $2.8 billion in capital investments to support the renewal of aging assets and investments in new public infrastructure and amenities.

The majority of the City’s underground water and sewer systems were built before 1965 and more than 40% of buildings, sidewalks, and roads were built over 40 years ago.

As Vancouver continues to grow, strategic, long-term investments will be made to enhance the city’s sustainability and resilience and care for the $25 billion of assets owned by the municipality.

The 2019-2022 Capital Plan includes:

  • $2.2 billion of proposed City-led investments funded through City taxes and fees, development contributions and partnerships with senior levels of government and community partners
  • $0.6 billion of in-kind contributions from development, having been secured through approved rezoning or other conditions of development

About two-thirds of the City-led investment ($1.5 billion) is dedicated to maintenance, renewal or upgrades to existing aging infrastructure and amenities. The remaining one-third ($0.7 billion), along with the $0.6 billion of in-kind development contributions, represent investments in new or upgraded infrastructure and amenities to support growth.

View the full 2019-2022 Capital Plan

2019-2022 Capital Plan Project Highlights:

  • Infrastructure renewal projects: upgrades of water, sewer, and drainage systems throughout the city, and repairs and seismic upgrades to Granville Bridge
  • Facility renewal projects: the Marpole-Oakridge Community Centre, the Marpole Library, the Oakridge Library, a seismic upgrade to Firehall #12 in Kitsilano, and preparation of detailed design plans for the West End Community Centre site, RayCam Centre and the first phase of Britannia Centre
  • New Infrastructure and amenities projects: 1,200 to 1,600 units of non-market rental housing, approximately 1,000 childcare spaces, the Oakridge Civic Centre, a renovated public plaza at 800 Robson, the Millennium Line Broadway Subway extension (through Translink), and parks in Southeast False Creek, Mount Pleasant and East Fraser Lands



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