Canadian Consulting Engineer

Quebec seeking public input on road safety

January 10, 2017

Public consultation sessions on road safety suggestions will be held in 11 cities across the province beginning in February and ending March 3.

The Transport Ministry in Quebec along with the province’s automobile insurance board, Société de l’assurance automobile Quebec (SAAQ), are launching a round of public consultations on the topic of road safety.

Individuals, groups and associations can take part in the consultation online. A section devoted to the consultation is to include a consultation document and information about the three ways to participate (online questionnaire, regional consultations and written comments).

The consultation is organized around four major questions:

  • What are the main road safety issues in your community or in Québec in general?
  • Who else should have a role to play in road safety, aside from the government?
  • What should be done in order to get everyone to take concrete steps toward preventing accidents?
  • What innovative measures should be implemented to improve the road safety record?

Public consultation sessions will be held in 11 cities across the province beginning in February and ending March 3.


Following the public consultation process, the suggestions and comments will be analyzed by the SAAQ and the Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports. Priorities will be established and recommendations will then be filed with the Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Transport Electrification.


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