Canadian Consulting Engineer

Energy-efficient buildings receive more grants in Alberta

November 27, 2003
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Alberta has a new initiative to encourage more energy efficient building. The Alberta Plus Initiative pilot program...

Alberta has a new initiative to encourage more energy efficient building. The Alberta Plus Initiative pilot program provides up to $40,000 of extra funding on top of the $50,000 funding provided by the federal government’s Canadian Business Incentive Program (CBIP). The total potential incentive is equal to $100,000 for the design phase.
The program is administered by Climate Change Central’s energy efficiency office, Energy Solutions Alberta and is intended to help Canada reduce greenhouse gases. The Hon. Herb Dhaliwal, Minister of Natural Resources Canada, was quoted in a press release: “By making more energy efficient choices we are one step closer to reaching our climate change goals.”
To qualify for the funding, the applicant must be approved for funding from the CBIP program, which means that the building design must be designed to be at least 25% more energy efficient than the Model National Energy Code for Buildings (MNECB).
For more information, contact Sarah Waddington, program manager, Climate Change Central (780) 408-4583.


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