Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting engineers team up for Regina bypass

August 20, 2014
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Three teams have been shortlisted out of five contenders for the job of designing and constructing the new bypass around Regina in Saskatchewan.

Three teams have been shortlisted out of five contenders for the job of designing and constructing the new bypass around Regina in Saskatchewan.

In a project that could cost over $1 billion, the 40-kilometre highway will run from Highway 11 north of the city, and around its southwest to meet the Trans-Canada Highway east of Tower Road. It is the province’s largest transportation project.

The three consortia were shortlisted by SaskBuilds and the Ministry of Highways. The teams must now prepare their plans to design, build, finance, operate and maintain the bypass for 30 years.

The teams involved are:


– Queen City Infrastructure Group, which is led by Hochtief and includes AECOM, Tetra Tech, MMM Group as consulting engineers.

– SaskLink Global Transportation Partners, which is led by Vinci and includes Parsons, McElhanney, Urban Systems, Buckland and Taylor, exp, Clifton Associates and Delcan.

– Wascana Development Partners, which is led by SNC-Lavalin and includes Kiewit, Stantec and AMEC.

Associated Engineering has been retained as the owner’s engineer.


The successful proponent will be announced in the summer of 2015, and construction is expected to be completed by 2018.


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