Canadian Consulting Engineer


November 23, 2009
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Consulting engineers mentioned among the list of winners for the 2009 Canadian Urban Institute Brownie Awards ...

Consulting engineers mentioned among the list of winners for the 2009 Canadian Urban Institute Brownie Awards for the remediation and development of former industrial and other contaminated sites included Golder Associates for a remediation in Victoriaville, Quebec, CH2M Hill for redevelopment at Hamilton General Hospital, Ontario, and Terraprobe Consulting Engineers for work at the Collingwood Shipyards in Collingwood, Ontario.

Sandwell Engineering and Klohn Crippen Berger, both consulting engineering companies based in Vancouver, were listed among British Columbia’s Top 25 Exporters for 2009. The awards are open to all B.C. companies that have been exporting a product or service for two or more years and are held by the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters.

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