Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canada promises UN that it will cut emissions

February 8, 2010
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Canada is one of 55 countries that has followed up on the December 2009 Copenhagen Accord and given a specific...

Canada is one of 55 countries that has followed up on the December 2009 Copenhagen Accord and given a specific pledge to the United Nations that it will reduce its greenhouse gas emissions.

Canada has promised to reduce emissions 17% by 2020 from its 2005 levels, a figure that conforms to the reduction goals of the United States.

In comparison, European Union member states have pledged a reduction of 20-30% from 1990 levels, and the Russian Federation has pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 15-25% from 1990 levels.

The pledges are voluntary and have no enforcement provisions. January 31, 2010 was the deadline for their submission.





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