Canadian Consulting Engineer

Municipalities in Alberta compare building energy use

August 15, 2011
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Alberta's municipalities are contributing to a new database of information on the energy use of their buildings.

Alberta’s municipalities are contributing to a new database of information on the energy use of their buildings.

The database, known as the TAME (Taking Action to Manage Energy) Buildings Initiative has energy data from nearly 100 municipally owned and operated facilities across the province. They include everything from sports arenas to town halls.

The database is being created by the provincially-backed Municipal Climate Change Action Centre.

Participating municipalities have to submit an expression of interest, and in return the MCCAC provides a dashboard report on the facility that enables the participants to benchmark their buildings’ performance against others.


For municipalities who are prepared to retrofit their facilities, the MCCAC will share 50% of the cost of detailed energy assessments up to $10,000.


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