Canadian Consulting Engineer

Building ventilation design made easier

November 7, 2005
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

A new user's manual for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Stan...

A new user’s manual for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Standard 62.1-2004 has been issued. The standard relates to Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Buildings.
The new manual contains examples of how to apply the standard in question and answer format. The intent is to make it easier for mechanical engineers to apply the sometimes complicated provisions and language in the code itself.
Dennis Stanke, chair of Ashrae’s Standard 62.1 committee, explained: “Because the standard is written in code-intended language, such material could not be included in the standard itself, so the manual helps users better understand the intent and apply it to their work. … It is a document that designers have needed for many years and will find useful for many years to come.”


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