Canadian Consulting Engineer

BC Hydro to link consulting engineers with large energy users

May 13, 2002
By Canadian Consulting Engineer

Physicists might not agree, but BC Hydro thinks that energy is money and the provincial Crown corporation is out to...

Physicists might not agree, but BC Hydro thinks that energy is money and the provincial Crown corporation is out to save both commodities. In the process there’ll be more work for consulting engineers.
The British Columbia power agency has created the Power Smart Alliance with consulting engineers and contractors to dramatically improve energy efficiency and in effect buy back power from its biggest customers.
Manager Francine Collette says the goal is to use financial incentives over the next three years to transform the attitudes and energy use of many of BC Hydro’s roughly 2,000 largest clients.
To that end, Hydro is creating partnerships with interested consultants and contractors to perform energy studies, planning, design, and retrofitting projects under the Power Smart program.
BC Hydro will provide job leads to members of the Power Smart Alliance, qualified consulting engineers and contractors, who can then make the warm calls. If they are hired (the decision is the client’s) BC Hydro gets a percentage once the project is complete and the consultant has been paid.
Collette says that clients don’t have to use Power Smart Alliance members but in order to qualify for the funding incentives (and ensure the quality of the work), the client must use consultants and contractors who meet the criteria for membership. Those consultants don’t have to pay BC Hydro the finder’s fee since they did not get the referral through the agency.
The financial incentives range from one of 100 first-come-first-served fully funded energy studies, to other energy buy-back deals. Consulting engineers who think one of their clients may be eligible for the incentive programs can call (604) 453 6400 for more details, or see


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