Canadian Consulting Engineer

ASHRAE and UNEP invite entries for Lower GWP Innovation Awards

June 1, 2020

Lower GWP Innovation Award

Image credit: ASHRAE.

ASHRAE and OzonAction of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) are now accepting entries for their 2020 Lower Global Warming Potential (GWP) Innovation Awards. Now in its second year, the program recognizes new technological concepts for refrigeration and air-conditioning applications in developing countries.

“With the phase-out and phase-down of many refrigerants currently used in developing countries, it is critical to promote a rapid transition to energy-efficient solutions that lessen the impact of ozone depletion and lower GWP,” says ASHRAE’s president, Darryl K. Boyce, P.Eng. “ASHRAE and UNEP believe these awards will hasten adoption of lower-GWP technologies.”

“It is vital to empower the research community to identify new approaches and alternative refrigerants that work for developing countries,” says James S. Curlin, OzonAction’s acting head and network and policy manager.


The awards program is part of a joint work plan for 2019 and 2020 under the terms of a global co-operation agreement established in 2007. Entries are judged by an international jury of experts on such criteria as extent of need, specific environmental impact of GWP chemicals and financial feasibility of further replication. Last year, five projects around the world won awards, including three commercial/industrial applications and two residential applications.

This year’s entries are due by Sept. 1 and those selected will be announced at events relating to the Montreal Protocol. For more information and the online submission form, visit


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